Cookie Wreath Tutorial

Learn how to make a cookie wreath. This gorgeous wreath is a unique way to show anyone you care about just how much they mean to you this holiday season. It’s perfect for slipping in a meaningful card from American Greetings to create a complete and thoughtful gift. This post has been sponsored by American Greetings. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

We try to be creative with our holiday gifts, especially if we are guests for a party or get-together. It is so much fun to see surprise and delight on a host’s face after they see a fun homemade gift paired with a thoughtful card from American Greetings we purchased at our local Target.

A cookie wreath is both a fun project to do and a gift that will wow everything – plus it makes a beautiful edible centerpiece at the table. The best part is, if you are someone like me who sometimes gets gifts at the last minute, you can easily make the cookie wreath using store-bought cookies that are pre-decorated or you’ve decorated yourself.

What I love about making a cookie wreath is that it is also a fun way to give someone a thoughtful card for the holidays, too. There’s something about the whimsy of receiving an American Greetings card from Target in an edible wreath that is perfect for the holidays.

I love their cards because they are beautiful, thoughtful, and they have cards for just about every occasion and situation. Since they are sold at Target stores, they’re also very easy to find. So there is no reason not to go and find one of your favorites for the holiday season.

There are some tricks to making the cookie wreath. You can use a stiff cardboard cut into the wreath shape or you can use something more sturdy. For this particular cookie wreath, I used a thin and lightweight wooden wreath shape. You should also be sure not to let the cookies stick out beyond the edges of the shape unless the cookies are very sturdy. A crisp gingerbread cookie would work well for that but a softer sugar cookie would be better kept mostly in the shape of the ring.

Use a thick icing as the glue to adhere the cookies to the shape and let it dry for a few hours, preferably overnight. I love the look of layering the cookies on top of one another on the wreath. I do recommend keeping the wreath no more than two cookies deep or else you risk cookies falling off from the weight once you life the wreath upright.

If you need inspiration on what to write inside your American Greetings card, their tips are some of the best!

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