The best type of jar for sourdough starter-Everyone everywhere seems to be making sourdough bread. If you have never made sourdough before, one of the first things you need to do is choose a container for your starter.
A sourdough starter is just flour and water mixed together in a simple way. Find out how to make your own small beginning.
When these two things are mixed together, the wild yeast that is already in the flour can grow and multiply. This wild yeast will eventually be old enough and strong enough to rise a loaf of sourdough bread.
Keeping a sourdough starter alive takes a little practice, but the process will be easier if you use the right container.
Here’s the best type of sourdough starter jars.
How to Choose a Jar for Sourdough Starter or How to Get Rid of It
Some things are true about the best containers for sourdough starter and waste.
- Containers for storing sourdough starters should be clear.
- The sides should be straight.
- Choose a container with a large opening.
- You should also think about how big the container is.
- The lids of the best containers should also fit well.
- Glass is better than plastic for storing things.
Why transparent jars?
You can easily watch your jars for sourdough starter is clear. By keeping an eye on the size, consistency, and number of bubbles in your starter, you can tell when it is ready to be used.
A clear jar will also let you see if any hooch is starting to form. Hooch is a type of alcohol that comes from the fermentation process. It shows that your starter is hungry and needs more food. The color of hooch can range from clear to gray.
You can also check for signs of mold. If you see mold growing on your sourdough starter, you will have to get rid of it or throw it away.
Why Shouldn’t They Curve?
With straight sides, it’s easy to see how much your starter has grown. Containers that already have measurement marks on the side should get extra points.
Tip: If your container doesn’t have measurement marks on the side, you can use a rubber band wrapped around the container to keep track of how much your starter has grown.
Containers with Wide Mouths
Jars with a wide opening are easier to use. They make it easy to add sourdough starter, take it out, or throw it away. A jar with a wide opening is also easier to clean.
How big should the container be?
If your container is too small, you won’t be able to make as much sourdough starter. While a container that is too big will be hard to store. I suggest getting a container that holds between 26 and 34 ounces. One quart, which is about 32 ounces, is my favorite size of container. This size is big enough to make 100–200 grams of starter, which is the amount most recipes call for.
What is the best kind of lid?
The top of your sourdough starter won’t dry out as quickly if it has a lid. You will also want to put a lid on your sourdough container to keep bugs and mold from getting into your starter.
If you accidentally knock your sourdough starter or discard over, a lid will keep it from spilling.
If you want to feed your starter, you need a lid that can be taken off. As sourdough starter grows, it gives off gas. If the gas has nowhere to go, it will build up pressure in the container, which could cause it to crack or burst.
I don’t like jars with hinged lids because they make it hard to pour out the sourdough starter.
Why are containers made of glass better than containers made of plastic?
It’s important to keep a sourdough starter clean and free of germs. Because of this, I like glass containers better than plastic ones.
You can easily clean and sterilize glass containers in the dishwasher to make sure they are clean and free of things that can cause mold.
Acidic ingredients can also cause plastic containers to change.
So, what is the best way to keep sourdough starter or waste?
I like to use quart-sized canning jars with wide mouths. They are the right size, made of clear glass, have a wide mouth, and don’t cost much.
I like to have several jars on hand so that every time I feed my sourdough starter, I can move it to a new, clean jar.
Stores like Target, Walmart, and most grocery and hardware stores sell canning jars. They can also be bought online at
I prefer to buy these reusable canning lids instead of using the flats and rings that come with canning jars.
Storing Alternatives
Containers for Challenger Sourdough
Challenger Breadware is best known as the company that makes the. But they are also pretty good for keeping sourdough in.
They come in two different sizes and are sold in pairs. The sides of the containers are also marked to help you keep track of how your sourdough starter is rising.
Tulip Jars Weck
I recommend these if you want something a little more stylish for your kitchen counter. They have a wide mouth and are easy to clean because of their shape.