Self Care and Double Chocolate Cupcakes

 Nothing says self care like eating chocolate and enjoying a double chocolate cupcake while you relax. This post was sponsored by Simply Chocolate. 

So, every time I share a chocolate recipe here, I go on and on about how much I love chocolate. How there are times when the need for chocolate literally consumes my brain. Chocolate IS love, and one of the best things ever created. 

Forrest Gump famously said “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”

I first saw that movie as a girl. At that time, the line stuck in my head as being about chocolate. I then (and now still)  savor good chocolate like Simply Chocolate truffles or their assorted premier chocolate (so good) just like any rational human being. Sorry if you are one of the few who willingly don’t like chocolate. I don’t get you, but we can still be friends. And for those who cannot eat chocolate due to allergies, my heart goes out to you, and I promise I enjoy the chocolate as much as possible in your honor. 

It wasn’t until I got older that I realized the weight of the second sentence. As a mother, as a woman, heck as a human being I certainly have come to learn the power of what Tom Hanks (Oscar winning? Did He? Does it matter? Seems being Tom Hanks for a living is a trophy unto itself.) was talking about: unpredictability.

Life is stressful, we get so much thrown at us from all sides constantly. It can feel like trying to take a sip from a fire hose. It goes by fast, and even in those brief moments that seem dull, it still keeps moving on with or without you. That’s why it’s so important to take the moments you can to recenter and refocus yourself. Ground yourself and use those moments for the best thing you can use it for. Self care. 

While I can’t tell you how to perform self care as it is different for each of us, I can tell you what I prefer to do during my self care moments. I love to nest in my room. Read a good book, and light a candle. Relax in my favorite sweater and put on some music in the background. 

Chocolate is at the center of it all. 

It’s the feel-good little indulgence that helps me remember to enjoy the little things in life. It only works when it is good chocolate though. None of the stuff you get at the checkout line at the grocery store. That’s why I like to occasionally treat myself to chocolate I know I will love and will never fail me. The assorted premier chocolate and the truffles from Simply Chocolate are perfect in that regard. Every bite is always amazing. Each flavor is exactly what I want it to be, and so much more. Sophisticated, not overly sweet, and still unpretentious. You can really taste the difference in the quality. 

If you are going to do self care, you may as well do it up. 

In the spirit of doing it up right, I like to bring more chocolate to my life in the form of double chocolate cupcakes. They are so good. Fluffy, moist, with deep chocolate flavor that still manages to not overwhelm you. And then I top them with a Simply Chocolate premier chocolate. Be still my heart. The premier chocolates have so many incredible fillings like mocha, salted peanut (arguably my favorite), hazelnut, strawberry rhubarb (with actual strawberry!!), and a few others. All of them are so good and just take the double chocolate cupcakes to a whole other level.

Can we all agree that we need to have a really good double chocolate cupcake topped with a chocolate at least once a week?

Tips for making the most out of your self care moments

  • Make a list of things you enjoy doing… start with small things that bring you joy. Going out for a coffee, reading a book, doing a face mask, dancing in your undies with the music at full blast, whatever. Writing some things down make it easier to pick and choose which you want to do if your time is truly limited. It also makes it easier to have a feel-good go-to when life starts to feel overwhelming. 
  • Don’t be afraid to let go a little more. If you hold on to control too tightly, it might feel good to let go just a little, even for a short amount of time. Go somewhere quiet, or grab a pillow and scream at the top of your lungs. Indulge in a bit of chocolate you’ve been denying yourself. Paint your nails a crazy color, or put in a wash-out crazy color in your hair. 

  • Keep a positivity notebook. Every day, write down 3 – 5 good things about the day. Even if the day completely sucked, try and find something that was good. A cute dog walking by you totally counts. 
  • Smell your coffee or tea (literally). Not only does it smell good, but it helps connect you to the moment of making and drinking your morning beverage that much more. That is a small step to being more mindful and in the moment. It’s a simple step to help you focus on the moment instead of whatever is daunting you that day. 
  • If you don’t like it, don’t do it (within reason). This is more about not forcing yourself to do small things you may feel obligated to do, but aren’t actually required to do. Something like eating kale just because it’s supposed to be healthy, but you actually hate everything about kale. Or going to the gym (a few dvds can do just as good of a job working you out if you don’t think you can handle the gym that day). 

  • Stay in… or go out. If you spend a lot of nights in binge watching Netflix in your sweatpants every night, switch it up by spending an hour with with some friends. Or stay in if you tend to go out most nights. A change in pace in either direction can be pretty cathartic. 
  • Be gentle with yourself. We are quick to self-criticize and can say some pretty hurtful things about ourselves. Try to be more gentle and remember no one is perfect, plus perfection is so overrated anyway. 
  • Practice self care as often as you can…. because it is more than self care… it is self love. 
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