At What Temp Do You Bake Bread for the Best Result? (2022)

At what temp do you bake bread for the best result? Ultimately, we’re all looking for a perfectly baked loaf of bread, right? When it comes to making and baking bread, temperature is everything. From the water temperature to the dough temperature during the proofing stages, to the oven temperature, and finally the finished product’s internal temperature. Everything contributes to the perfect loaf of bread.

The ideal oven temperature for baking bread is between 350 and 475°F (180 and 246°C), which optimizes both caramelization and the Maillard reaction, resulting in the perfect color and texture in the finished product. The temperature range can be fine-tuned to suit the type of bread being baked.

Whether you’re baking a loaf of sourdough bread, a loaf of high-fat bread, a sweet bread, or a loaf of rich-dough bread, each has an ideal oven temperature for producing the heavenly results we all seek when baking bread.

Soft crusted bread should be baked at a lower temperature, while thick and crusty bread should be baked at much higher temperatures, according to a cute unwritten rule.

At What Temp Do You Bake Bread for the Best Result?

what temp do you bake bread

You can see why some breads may require baking at higher or lower temperatures (clearly sugar plays a role). However, sugar is not the only important factor here; other factors include fat content, sourdoughs, and the use of rich ingredients such as milk, butter, and eggs.


According to rumor, baking an awesome loaf of sourdough bread requires baking it hot and steamy. This ensures a crisp and crunchy crust with excellent oven spring. How high, you might ask? We’re talking temperatures of up to 500°F (260°C), though not all ovens, especially non-industrial ones, are designed to reach such temperatures. However, you can achieve exceptional results in one of two ways:

Results of the Method 1 Heat the oven to 464°F (240°C). Bake for 20 minutes, then reduce to 430°F (220°C), and bake for another 15 minutes. This results in a darker, thicker crust. 2 Preheat the oven to 430°F (220°C) and bake for 40–45 minutes. This results in a thinner, lighter-colored crust.

TIP: To see if your loaf of bread is fully baked, flip it over and knock on it; if it feels soft and hollow, it’s done. If it doesn’t, return it to the oven for a few minutes longer.


Creating steam in your oven both before and during baking results in a nice crunchy and glistening crust. Steam in the oven prevents the crust from baking too quickly, allowing the dough to continue expanding and rising to its full potential. It contributes to the crust’s deep golden color as well as its shiny coating. Place a pan of water in the oven, spray water on the side of the oven and close the door, or even place a bowl of ice cubes in the oven to create steam.

If you want to learn all of the best hacks for producing the perfect steam for your bread, all of which are super simple to implement, I recommend you check out this post right here.

Bread Stone / Cast Iron Pan

Source: Getty Images

Placing a cast iron pan, bread stone, or pizza stone in your oven while it preheats and then placing your dough on it before baking provides an immediate blast of heat to the dough. This allows the dough to start rising before the crust forms.

When it comes to baking bread, I always use a cast iron pan. I’ve had quite a few of them over the years, some more expensive than others. I’ve been using A pot, which I highly recommend, in recent years. It provides excellent value for money as well as extremely tasty results.

If you’re looking for a crispy crust, look no further than this super informative post right here.

Bread Made from Fat

“Rich-dough” bread contains a fat, such as oil, butter, or another type of fat. Fat serves several functions in baking. It coats the flour and prevents water and proteins from interacting, causing gluten development to slow. Furthermore, bread containing fat lacks the long gluten strands found in bread made without fat.

A rich-dough bread is typically baked at a lower temperature than a standard yeast bread. Keep in mind, however, that as with any bread recipe, it’s best to stick to the recommended oven temperature to get the best results. If you use a thermometer in your bread baking (which you should, more on that here), consider that rich-dough bread should have an internal temperature range of 180 to 190°F (82 to 88 °C) at the end of baking.

Bread Made from Sugar

Sugars in bread, such as white and brown sugar, honey, molasses, syrups, and so on, are used to add flavor and sweetness, such as through caramelization. Furthermore, sugar serves as food for yeast during the fermentation process in a loaf of yeast bread. Bread with more than a 12 cup of sugar is typically baked at 350°F (177°C), whereas bread with less than a 12 cup of sugar is typically baked at 375°F (191°C).

TIP: The darker the sugar you use (i.e., molasses, brown sugar, etc.), the faster your bread will brown during baking. You can control the resulting color and prevent it from becoming over-browned if you preheat your oven and then bake at a slightly lower temperature, by about 25°F (14°C), or carefully observe the last 5 to 10 minutes of baking.

Rich Bread

A rich bread, so named because of the rich ingredients used in the recipe, such as milk, eggs, and butter, varies in oven temperature depending on the recipe.

The Final Note

what temp do you bake bread
Source: Getty Images

In a set-it-and-forget-it mode, we frequently set the oven temperature to 350°F (176.6°C) when baking. Or perhaps it was obvious to you that different types of bread require different oven temperatures; either way, learning the complexities of baking bread, as well as the variety of desirable results, can’t hurt, right? We all want our bread to turn out perfectly, and understanding the subtle differences between different types of bread can make all the difference.

The bread temperature is critical during the baking stage, and understanding how it all works is clearly a step in the right direction.

If you want to be consistent and accurate, and achieve great baking results that you can repeat, I highly recommend investing in two inexpensive tools that can improve your baking process. I’m referring to dough and oven thermometers. There are numerous reasons to employ them. They can be of great assistance and ensure that you do not have a baking disaster. If you want to learn more, simply click here and read all about it.


The oven temperature or baking bread temp will, of course, vary depending on the type of bread you’re baking. Knowing how your oven works, following the recipe, and, as previously mentioned, owning a digital thermometer are all important when pursuing the perfect baked loaf of bread.

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