Cherry Limoncello Granita

Have you seen Inside Out yet? Okay, I know it’s a kids movie, but had so much fun watching it when I took my daughter. I maaaaaaaayyyyyyyy have shed a couple of tears and had to discretely wipe them away before the mom right behind me noticed. We went because N was going stir crazy without any electricity in the house for four days. Nothing really seemed to help, so I thought a trip to the movies would help take her mind off it. Luckily, after we got out the movies, we found out the power was back, so it was perfect. (Also, that was when gay marriage was legalized, so it was a triply good day!) I love Disney/Pixar movies because they are great to watch as a family because they always leave plenty humor and things adults can relate to without our kids asking too many questions about it. And the story lines are always so good. I highly recommend going out to watch it if you haven’t already.

Granitas are a new love for me. I only started eating them last year when it seemed as though everyone and their mom was making granitas. Seriously, I don’t know where I’ve been this whole time. Snow cones are good and all, but granitas blow them out of the water because they are nothing but flavor. And so easy to make.

Since I made a lot of homemade overnight limoncello, I knew I wanted to use some in a frozen treat and I thought a granita would be the perfect way to do that. We happened to have about 5lbs of cherries on our hands, so pairing them together to make a cherry limoncello granita was a natural – and delicious- decision to make.

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